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برنامج تقاويم Web Calendar Pad هو البرنامج الأفضل لنشر تقاويم الإتش إم إل HTML على الشبكة الإنترنت و هو يجعل أمر متابعة كل أحداثك سهلا و نشرها بإحترافية على موقعك بالشبكة العنكبوتية حتى يتمكن أي أحد من مشاهدتها ، تحميلها وطبعها، وإشتراك الإتش تي إم إل إلى (iCalendar). أَو بإمكانك إستخدام البرنامج لإنشاء نماذج لتقاويم شهرية فارغة لتتمكن من طباعة تقاويم عام 2007، 2008، أو العقد التالي (العشر سنوات القادمة). البرنامج يتيح لك إدراج الصور، الخلفيات ، و الخطوط حسب طلبك. يتطلب معرفة قليلة بلغة الإتش تي إم إل. البنامج مثالي للشركات، الأندية، و الأعمال الصغيرة للمحافظ على إبقاء زوار موقعك على علم بكل أحداثك المجدولة

Web Calendar Pad
A software with which you make HTML calendars that visitors can view, print, download and subscribe

Web Calendar Pad helps you create an HTML illustrated calendar.Organize your life and keep your company, school or church informed of upcoming events. Use to create illustrated monthly calendars that can look either like wall or desktop calendars and be published automatically to your website, saved to a file or printed.

Perfect for keeping an active calendar for a business, school, church, club, team, class, course, organizations and personal calendars. This program makes it easy for some one with zero knowledge of HTML to create, publish, and update online event calendars in minutes. No need to battle html code ever again, you can choose the look of your calendar from a large list of defined styles and templates or easily create your own custom look that can include photos, backgrounds, and fonts. And the built in FTP module remembers your settings, and lets you update your website calendar with one click.

The HTML editor lets easily include HTML code within a calendar date. Now, you can also attach files, and publish with iCal and RSS feeds using the calendar wizard. Ideal for webmasters, students, coaches, and teachers to keep online schedules. Teachers can keep their class informed of upcoming homework assignments and tests using the calendar on the school website. A coach can keep their sports team schedule online with game dates and practices. And a priest, minister or rabbi can keep their congregation informed of upcoming church events and activities. The calendar wizzard lets you include photos, textures and custom fonts.

Here are some key features of "Web Calendar Pad":

· Create Web Calendars that can include photos, backgrouns, and custom fonts
· Easy to use and quick to publish
· Lets you keep data in a separate calendar for each subject, but selectivly merge when publishing
· Supports the FTP protocol of file transfer, that makes it easy to publish your calendars on the internet
· Supports Macros, that let you use short-cut key words and then replace them with full text allowing you to reduce the amount of typing
· Built in wizard, lets you define the look of your calendar, or choose from predefined theme
· Lets you add custom headers and footers to you html calendar


· 20+ megabytes of disk space


· 9 days trial
· nag screen

What's New in This Release:

· Event background color now works across all browsers
· Update FTP component to newest version

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(مَا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلاَّ لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيد)
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