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تحميل برنامج IM Lock Professional وداعا للمخاطر ، ومتاعب من الاستخدام غير المنضبط الانترنت, حجب المواقع والإعلانات والبرمج والالعاب والماسنجر وغيرها الكثير فقط اشر على ما تريد حجبه قفل البرامج وحماية الكمبيوتر بكلمات مرور وحمايتها من الاطفال وهو احد البرامج الرائعه والمفيدة والمطلوبة للكثيرين في الامن والحماية الواسعه سوء حماية الملفات بكلمات مرور او حماية النظام وجعله امن من المخترقين بكلمات مرور وتحديد بعض الخيارات والخواص للاطفال وغيرها من الخيارات

IM Lock Professional
Say good-bye to the risks, stress and hassles of uncontrolled internet usage

IM Lock Professional controls and blocks access to porn, filters pornography, blocks web pages, and other types of internet use like MSN Messenger. Free trial version available - sets up in less than a minute.

Have you wasted time, money and productivity coping with computer viruses, bugs and "malware" that your employees brought into the business from internet chatting, exchanging files online, or browsing the web?

Say good-bye to the risks, stress and hassles of uncontrolled internet usage with IM Lock Professional, a new product from Comvigo, Inc., an internet security company. IM Lock Professional gives you control and peace of mind. IM Lock Professional is quickly and easily installed directly onto your business's computer workstations to effectively block and control the most widely used instant messaging programs.

Furthermore, with IM Lock Professional you can also block popular peer-to-peer file sharing programs, and individual web sites. A simple password that you set gives you the ability to block access to chat, web sites and file sharing all of the time, or according to a schedule of your choosing.

IM Lock Professional is a complement to your company's existing Internet firewalls and anti-virus measures. Firewalls and anti-virus programs alone can't stop a persistent user who wants to chat, trade files, or visit disallowed web sites. Only IM Lock can stop this waste and risk at the source - the user's computer.

Here are some key features of "IM Lock Professional":

Customizable Notification:
· Screen You can choose whether to notify your users of not. You can customize the verbiage of the message you want your users to see. Messages are Unicode compatible (Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc.)

IM Lock Scheduler:
· Schedule exactly when you want users blocked and when you don’t. Multiple schedules can be created. Schedules can be by the day, weekdays, or weekends.

IM Lock Advanced Options :
· Website Blocking – By Title or URL Website White List – By Title or URL Program Blocking – By Title Program Blocking – By Exe Name System Blocking - (Task Manager, Time/Date, Control Panel, Registry Editor, and more) Password

Administration Notification Administration:
· IM Lock Live Update IM Lock Live Update allows you to get the latest blocking rules remotely from our server. If a new web messenger, or a new instant messenger is released, for example, we will post the blocking definitions on our website. You can then retrieve and install them with the press of a button from the IM Lock Control Panel.

Web Use Reports:
· IM Lock allows you to capture internet use reports in text file form. You can view your reports with a simple text editor like Notepad.
· Internet Surfing – You can capture the titles and URLS of the websites visited by the computer users.
· Blocking Reports – You can capture all the blocking done by IM Lock, including websites blocked and programs blocked.


· Internet Explorer
· 4 MB Hard Drive Space
· Pentium III or higher
· 156 MB RAM


· 7 days Trial

What's New in This Release:
· Multiple language Interface
· Improved Functionality
· Additional Blocking Features

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