متصفح Apple Safari اسرع متصفح وافضل متصفح اسرع مرتين من متصفح Internet Explorer واسرع من الـ فايرفوكسApple Safari يحتوي على انظمة حماية قوية كما يحتوي على شكل انيق وجميل وايضا مجاني ويدعم تشغيل تطبيقات الجافا اي جافا سكربت JavaScript ويحتوي على محرك البحث قوقل في شريط الادوات مع امكانيات ادارة الكوكيز استخدم هذا المتصفح كنصيحه اذا كنت تملك جهاز ضعيف او سريع حتى برنامج قوي ومميز حمل نسختك الان فقط متوافق مع واوبرا.. متصفح Windows All
Even Greater HTML5 Support
Web standards are the future of the Internet. The world’s most innovative browser, Safari continues to lead the way in support for HTML5. Safari 5 supports over a dozen new HTML5 features that allow developers to create interactive content and media experiences that work right in the browser — without the need for third-party plug-ins.
Full-screen view and closed captions for HTML5 video.
In Safari 5, HTML5 video can deliver an even richer, more accessible experience. Watch video embedded with the HTML5 video tag in full screen. If the video includes closed captions, simply click the closed-captions button in the controls to display them.
Location services.
Find businesses near you and get directions even faster. With support for the HTML5 geolocation standard in Safari 5, you can choose to share your location with websites that use it to give you helpful location information — like showing you the nearest post office or ATM. Rest assured, you’re always in control of how your information is shared. When you visit a geolocation-enabled website, Safari asks you before sharing your location. And you can turn off location services all together.
Download Apple Safari 5.0 (33.16.0) for Windows
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