برنامج ممتاز لتحرير ملفات ال بي دي أف PDF و التعامل معها. يمكنك ان تنشيء كتبا الكترونية رائعة بواسطته وإضافة ما تريد من نصوص و صور للملف أو أن تعدل على ملف بأن تحذف منه أيضاً ما تريد، بكل سهولة و يسر و بدون أي تعقيد كما يمكنك إنشاء ملف PDF جديد و تحريره كيف تشاء. و التجربة خير برهان برنامج صانع الكتب اللالكترونية PDF باحترافية وبشكل سهل وسريع برنامج Foxit PDF CreatorFoxit لصناعة الكتب الالكترونية باحترافية غير طبيعيه ودون ان تكون محترف في هالامور والبرامج طبعاً تقدر تصنع وتنشاء كتب الكترونية pdf عالية الجودة مع امكانيات البحث مع امكانية عمل كلمة مرور مع امكانيات احترافية اخرى ورائعه صانع الكتب, تصميم كتب, , صانع كتب pdf, صنع الكتب pdf
Foxit PDF Creator gets even better with the additions of these exciting new features. File Security Supports password and certificate encryption - protect sensitive PDF documents to prevent loss of valuable company information.
Configure the security settings in the Foxit PDF printer properties to control access to PDF documents. Streamline the workflow to create encrypted PDFs. Setting Document Information Add document information for converted PDF documents, including titles, subjects, author, creator and keywords.
With Foxit PDF Creator you can also edit document's metadata to archive and search PDFs with ease. Headers and Footers Add headers or footers for PDF pages. Choose font, size and color of the text with ease, as well as set display position of headers and footers in a PDF file. Watermark Add watermark to PDF documents.
Use either text or image as the watermark. Rotating and setting the transparency of the image are also supported. Watermarking is an ideal tool to stamp a document such as Draft or Confidential.
Foxit PDF Creator - x64 1
Foxit PDF Creator - x32 2
Foxit PDF Creator gets even better with the additions of these exciting new features. File Security Supports password and certificate encryption - protect sensitive PDF documents to prevent loss of valuable company information.
Configure the security settings in the Foxit PDF printer properties to control access to PDF documents. Streamline the workflow to create encrypted PDFs. Setting Document Information Add document information for converted PDF documents, including titles, subjects, author, creator and keywords.
With Foxit PDF Creator you can also edit document's metadata to archive and search PDFs with ease. Headers and Footers Add headers or footers for PDF pages. Choose font, size and color of the text with ease, as well as set display position of headers and footers in a PDF file. Watermark Add watermark to PDF documents.
Use either text or image as the watermark. Rotating and setting the transparency of the image are also supported. Watermarking is an ideal tool to stamp a document such as Draft or Confidential.
Foxit PDF Creator - x64 1
Foxit PDF Creator - x32 2
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