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Element Browser متصفح انترنت سريع ينافس انترنت اكسبلورير Internet Explorer وفاير فوكس موزيلا Mozilla Firefox متوافق مع جميع موا قع الأنترنت والجافا سكريبت complies with the WC3, Javaيمكنك وضع المواقع المهمة لديك في المفضلة يتميز هذا المتصفح بسرعة وأمان ومبني على قاعدة فاير فوكس يوفر لك المتصفح الدخول الى مواقع YouTube, Facebook, MySpace and flickr بسرعة اكبر يوفر حماية اكبر اثناء تصفح مواقع الخطرة SafeSurf متصفح رائع يستحق التحميل بكل تأكيد.
Visualize your websites in shelves. Reorder them, get live previews. All the power of conventional tabs has been super improved with shelfs. Element Browser gives you incredible power, simplicity and extreme ease of use. Never get lost in a sea of windows again.

Web developing can be a daunting task. However, with Element Browser, it is made a breeze. Together, with sophisticated technology, including the ElementKit platform, combined with technologies from Mozilla Foundation, developing and testing websites with Element Browser could be no easier.

We've added a powerful JavaScript debugging engine, source editor, cache manager and advanced plug-in editor. And, ElementKit platform complies with the WC3 standards, so you don't have to worry about your webpage breaking in other browsers.

Element Browser features an intuitive, unique user interface that is designed to allow you to focus more on the webpage you are looking for. The Element Browser interface is so simplistic that you can perform tasks much quicker than you ever could before.

Things just work too- there's no looking through confusing menus and toolbars, its all right there, under the Element Browser Orb. And, with our premium graphical user interface toolkit, known as AniCore, browsing with Element Browser is made a cool and unique experience.

Proven security. Element Browser allows you to scan your computer for harmful malware, and remove them too- for free! Combined with the power of Element TotalProtect, Element Browser makes your computer safer as you browse the web. This is completely optional of course, and only scans if you want it to!

Element Browser also provides private browsing, which allows you to surf online without leaving any tracks, also, Encrypted Surfing allows you to surf online and protecting your sensitive information.

Element Browser allows you to quickly access your favorite web applications such as YouTube, Facebook, MySpace and flickr all from one cool, central location, the Web Application Dock.

The Web at your fingertips! Discover and explore the web 2.0 with a flip book view! Also, Element Browser adapts to your surfing habits and suggests websites that you may be interested in. Web surfing just couldn't get cooler or easier, and soon Element Browser will be an application you just can't do without.
Here are some key features of "Element Browser":

· both a web engine and an application framework, ElementKit binds the best of the web standards and applications together. Based on the proven foundations of the Mozilla Gecko platform, ElementKit is proved to be a fast, web standards compliment browsing engine- and its exclusive to Element Browser, so it works out of the box!

ElementKit JavaScript Interpreter:
· More than 50% faster than Internet Explorer 7 and 20% Faster than Mozilla Firefox 2, our JavaScript Interpreter renders JavaScript applications in a blink of an eye. Tests based on Mozilla Firefox 3 java test.

Dynamic malware protection:
· Built on the proven reliability of Element TotalProtect, Element Browser can automatically detect and shut down malicious software that may be running on your computer.

· With SafeSurf you can block users from accessing unwanted web content ranging from social networking and video sites to adult, malicious attack sites, violence etc. And this is all done with a simple click of a button. And you can secure it too!

Kestrel HTML Engine:
· Element Browser 3 features the Kestrel HTML rendering engine, a web engine developed from scratch to adhere to web standards and newer technologies

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