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بيكاسا هذا البرنامج الغني عن التعريف من الشركة العملاقة غوغل
هذا البرنامج الذي يوصف بأنه رائع للميزات الرائعة التي يحتويها
فبمجرد أن تقوم بتنصبيه سوف يبحت عن كل الصور الموجودة لديك بكافة الأنماط
ويقوم بتنظيمها بشكل رائع
سوف تكتشف مع هذا البرنامج العديد من الصور التي لم تتخيل وجودها لديك
يوقم بعملية تنظيم الصور وعرضها بشكل مميز ويثير الأعجاب مع سرعة العرض وادوات التحرير
كما يمكنك من صنع البومات خاصة بك وتسميتها كما ترغب مع سهولة السحب والاسقاط التي يدعمها
كما يقوم بتميز الصور التي تعشقها ويضع عليها نجمة لتكون من الصور المفضلة ويسهل وصولك اليها
كما يمكنك من وضع التأثيرات على الصور ونشرها على موقعك او مدونتك او حتى ارسالها بالبريد بسهولة

Picasa 3.6.0 Build 95.25 | 9.05 MB

Picasa is software that makes it easy and fun to view, organise, edit and share the digital photos on your PC. Picasa will not delete your pictures or put them online without your permission. Picasa automatically finds and organizes all of your pictures including: jpeg, tiff, bmp, psd, and standard camera movie files. Sending pictures with e-mail used to mean five steps just to get it right. Picasa lets you pick the size and then automatically attaches your pictures. Browse through all your pictures and view slideshows of your albums with the click of a button.
Enhance, fix red-eye, and even crop without losing data or permanently changing your original picture. Take your photos further with Picasa from Google. Picasa is free photo management software from Google that helps you find, edit and share your pictures in seconds. We recommend that you print out this brief overview of Picasa's main features and consult it as you use the programme for the first time to learn about new features quickly.
Picasa helps you find and organise all your pictures: you start Picasa, it scans your hard drive to find and automatically organise all your pictures. Picasa finds the following image and movie file types:
? Image file types: JPG, GIF, TIF, PSD, PNG, BMP, RAW (including NEF and CRW). GIF and PNG files are not scanned by default, but you can enable them in the options dialogue.
? Film file types: MPG, AVI, ASF, WMV, and MOV.
Picasa features:
? Organise - Picasa instantly locates and organises all the pictures on your computer.
? Edit - Turn a grey sky into a picture-perfect day.
? Share - The hardest part of sharing your pictures is choosing your favourites.
? Prints & Products - Print beautiful pictures at home with more custom sizes or order prints, gifts and books from your favourite online companies.
? Backup - Do not lose your digital memories. Safely back up your photos with Picasa.
? Create - Enjoy your pictures in fun, creative ways ? it is what photography is all about!
Picasa Basics: New features in Picasa 3.6:
Picasa 3.6 has improved name tags, a feature based on the same technology that powers name tags on Picasa Web Albums. With name tags, you can organize your photos based on what matters most: the people in them. In this new version, you can also upload photos to your friends' collaborative albums, more easily geotag photos using Google Maps, and import photos from your camera and upload them to Picasa Web Albums in one step. Get started by downloading Picasa for PC or Mac at Code:

? Add name tags - Picasa scans all the photos in your collection, identifies the ones with faces, and groups photos with similar faces together. It's easy to add name tags to dozens of photos at once by clicking "Add a name" below a photo and typing the person's name. Once you've tagged some pictures, you can make a face collage with one click, easily find all your pictures with the same two people in them, or upload your name tags to Picasa Web Albums.
? Collaborative albums - Upload from Picasa - In August 2009, we introduced collaborative albums in Picasa Web Albums. Now you can upload to a friend's album directly from the Picasa software.
? Geotag your photos with Google Maps - Quickly add geotags using the newly integrated Google Maps. Click the Places button and drag your photos to the location where you took them. Of course, you can still use Google Earth to tag or view photos if you prefer.
? Import, upload, and share, all at once - We've improved the import process so that you can star your favorites, upload to Picasa Web Albums, and share with Google contact groups at the same time.
? Tags - Better bulk tagging, quick tags & tag counts - We've improved the tagging experience. Just click the new Tags button on the right side of the Photo tray to add Quick tags , see tag counts for groups of images, and manage tags more easily.
Changes in Version 3.6, Build 95.25 - Decmeber 15, 2009:
* Made a stability fix to Timeline.
* Fixed an issue where Picasa would only show the face thumbnail when a new album is created from a 'People' album.
* Fixed several issues in the import process

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